Gas Free

The nitrogen gas purging process is a method of treating hazardous or unwelcoming environments within storage tanks, pipe lines and storage vessels.


What is the nitrogen purging process?

The nitrogen gas purging process is a method of treating hazardous or unwelcoming environments within storage tanks, pipe lines and storage vessels. The process: Introduces nitrogen gas flow under pressures to reduce oxygen contentReduces presence of hydrocarbons; reducing the risk of explosive atmospheres Allows for quick de-gassing of vessels and pipelines when lower explosive limits are breached.

Applications for Nitrogen

  • Nitrogen purging – displacement/ pressure cycle
  • Nitrogen foam inerting
  • Helium leak testing
  • Nitrogen foam cementing
  • Nitrogen pigging
  • Nitrogen drying
  • Nitrogen cooling
  • Nitrogen pressure testing
  • Nitrogen high-velocity flushing
  • Nitrogen gas lifting
  • Nitrogen pipe freezing
  • Nitrogen blanketing (mothballing)